Wednesday, January 30, 2008

You got to...!

I have nothing against watching movies, it's great way to waste time that I'm already wasting. But why must people come to me and "You GOT to watch this movie because blah blah blah..." Since when did humankind become dependent on movies? I watch movies to escape, not to get addicted.

I hate it when I finally get sucked in and it turns out to be a HORRIBLE movie (eg. Ghostrider). I was made fun of for years for not watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy, so I finally bought them and tried to watch them in one sitting. I enjoyed them yes, but the hype surpassed the movie by far, so instead of seeing what everybody else saw (action, adventure, fantasy), I saw gay hobbits who couldn't stop looking at each other for long periods of time. I thought to myself, I got to watch this?

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