Thursday, January 24, 2008


It's no secret that a lot of people will do ANYTHING to make money! It's an obsession. But why don't people have an obsession to make pancakes. They could get up early in the morning and return late at night from making pancakes!

When your wife asks you why you don't spend time with her, say "I'm doing this for you." You would go to your High School Reunion to talk with all your old "buddies" about how many pancakes you make in a day. You could laugh at those who only make a few dozen, and be jealous of Frank Frankson who still has the record of 37,500 pancakes in one day.

News Reports would be all on the guy who went to IHop and stole 4 dozen pancakes, "No suspect has been apprehended yet." We'll hear the heart warming story of Microsoft donating 3 million pancakes to Children with Acne Rejection and Ego issues of Africa (C.A.R.E.).

Then there's the college bachelor, "I can't get a girlfriend until I get pancakes"

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