Saturday, January 26, 2008

Us Ugly People

TV, news, magazines, internet, and the general public are all telling us that we can only be accepted if we're beautiful and handsome. So those of us who are ugly accept that and we just try to stay at home, not a problem right? WRONG! For those of us who go to school have truant officers after us, and after that we're living on our own so we need to get out and get a job.

Believe us, we're not trying to gain attention, we just want to please everyone. But the hiring manager won't hire us because we're ugly! We can't good grades from the teacher because we're ugly (even though we scored 100% on the test). World, if you really want us to stop showing our ugly faces in public, then keep us in our homes.

The worst thing is when the same TV channel ridicules a celebrity who's gained a few pounds, then talks about how great this one girl is for winning the pretty contest even though she's 100 pounds overweight. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!

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