Sunday, February 3, 2008


I went to a discrimination awareness meeting, and we all introduced ourselves. You can't help but to feel sorry for those who are victims of such an awful crime. For example, we had a zombie there, he was in tears (well actually blood was running from his eyes) when he told us that people will shoot, stab and/or beat him when walks up to somebody and WANTS to ask for directions. He's so stereotyped, it's not fair, not ALL zombies want to eat our brains.

Then there was a ghost who said that people will freak out when people see her, she was just looking around her old house, to catch up on old memories, and sure enough, people were screaming and carrying on. I felt so bad, I went to give her a hug, but I fell through her, it was kind of embarrassing, but she said "It's the thought that counts."

God was there too, but for some reason nobody was paying attention to him (except me). He was saying that so many people ignores him, forgets him, and never talks to him, but when something bad happens he gets blamed for it. So he sent his son to teach everyone how they should live, how they could receive blessings from listening to and living the commandments, and especially suffering for their sins, but he was killed by the people who were listening to him. As he continued, everybody else got louder. He finally said that he wants everyone to return to him, but by then he realized that no one was paying attention. He left soon after that.

I felt bad because I didn't say anything to anybody. I didn't stand for God. When I left the building, I saw God trying to wave down a Taxi, but nobody was stopping. I ran up to him and apologized for not speaking up for him. He smiled at me, which was THE most amazing smile I've ever seen. But I was still curious. "God?" I asked "Is it really worth it to do all that you've done, doing, will do for people who don't care?" He looked at me and said, "If you're the only one, then it was more than worth it."

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