Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Late Talk

Boss: Dude...yeah're late again

Dude: You're right I am, thanks for noticing

Boss: You know we've talked about this

Dude: Trust me, no one knows that better than me

Boss: Then what's keeping ya?

Dude: Ha! Wouldn't you like to know!

Boss: I'm serious, if this keeps happening, I'll have to...write a report! I will!

Dude: A report? Wow...that sounds...serious

Boss: Forget it. What are WE going to do to keep this from happening?

Dude: Well I guess I can...hold on, whose we?

Boss: Just answer the question

Dude: You don't live with me! Are you publicly announcing that we're together?

Boss: What are you talking about? I have a husband and kids

Dude: Oh that's just makes it worse! I can't believe you're suggesting this!

Boss: Huh? No I'm just saying...

Dude: I'm reporting you to H.R.!

Boss: No, just pretend I didn't say anything, I don't want any trouble

Dude: ...well, ok. Same time tomorrow then?

Boss: GET OUT!

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