Friday, March 21, 2008

A Fine Doctor Indeed

So I went to the doctor today, she was really nice. She listened, she wasn't writing a prescription while I was talking, she told about my diet, and that was it.

I walked out of the room feeling like I finally found a cool doctor.

Well, they gave me my bill and THAT'S when I found out why they were 'special'

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A dream of something...different

"When I become poor, I'm shaking the golden dust of my $700 shoes. That's right, it's going to be Microwavable Dinners, and powdered lemonade every night. No more of this sleeping in a bed the size of a car, nope, it's going to be a mattress and a pillow."

"You think you can stop me? Tough, I'll be poorer than you could imagine! I don't care what you or anybody else tells me, I'm going to do this! I'll get me a job shoveling dirt, flipping hamburgers, or be a teacher. I know what I want, and that's that!" Said Bill Gates jr. to his father.

Those Tired Times

Do you ever notice that when you get tired you talk a lot of nonsense? It always starts with uncompleted sentences, such as "Hey did you see that one thing about...?"

Then laughing comes into play, whatever you say becomes 10 times funnier, "Hey guys, I got red socks on my feet! Har ha ha ha ha!!!"

Of course the gibberish takes over next; it's a lot slower, your eyes are barely open, and you can't sit still, "Man, what does a guy have to do to get special soda around here? You know the kind where it ain't too bad, but it's cool, and you drink it and you're Yeah, that special soda, from Connecticut."

Finally, you get a mixture of the three, "HA HA HA, your mom eats cow! In fact, she's like a vacuum, she can...ha ha ha! But she didn't because...ha ha ha!"

Well, that's my report on being tired, join me next time when I speak about...*snore*

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A tagged Jake in a box

I got tagged by Boocherhix, the challenge is to grap the closest book, open to page 123, and write the 5th sentence. Well, here's mine "What about you? Kay asked." From the God-father

I hereby tag Adam Borg, and the next person to view this blog (but not Boocherhix)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Worst Image

One of the worst images in the world is a full moon! You know what I'm talking about

Heaven and Hell

I hear a lot of people say There's no heaven or hell, I figure they're saying that they know they're not going to heaven so they don't want admit that they're going to hell.

Hey, I can't blame them, hell is a horrible place. A land of darkness, fire and brimstone, old dictators, low budget film makers, politicians, in laws, guys who don't stop with the chicken crossing the road jokes, Ben Affleck, no TV, and the list goes on.

So yeah, if I wasn't going to Heaven I would say there's no heaven or hell. Yeah I said it