Sunday, September 7, 2008


If a Presidential Candidate ever told the truth, would they get elected?

If hands could speak

What would your hands tell you? Are you good to them? Do they have scars?

Perhaps they would tell you to get a manicure? Maybe a massage?

I think mine would tell me leave the garbage industry for good.

Whatever the situation, always remember, your hands could be people too

'SO', my favorite word

The magic word today is SO. It's a two letter, intensifying word! It's amazing how this word changes any word to much higher standard.

For example, I could tell you that I went outside in the rain and got wet, or tell you that I got SO wet.

What good is it to tell you that my date was hot, when I could tell you that she was SO hot!

"Dude, that Metallica concert was worth it!" WHAT!? Don't demean a great concert! Use SO "Dude, that Metallica concert was SO worth it!" That's better